Why Book reading is important

In the parallel universe, we all have answers to everything but in this universe sometimes we have the answer because it is based on perception, sometimes based on rumors, sometimes just the way we brought up in the society, and because of that, we try to explain it in our own way about the things which are must for us or happening around us.

I would try to help you understand here why book reading is important as I imagined in “my-verse” with key points.

It goes like this.


Photo by Artem Podrez from Pexels

Compare it with watching a movie of your choice like an action movie or some romantic movie. When you go through the story, in the process your mind consumes data, data that comes in the form of images and sounds. At this moment your mind is a washing machine (just Imagine), which is washing your clothes but not producing clothes of your choice.

This storage of data is only helpful for you to recognize the things or events at some later point in time when you would need them in the future.

Suppose if I am asking you to think about Kapil, you have at least 3-4 images in your mind to decide of which Kapil I am talking about, first one as I guess your answer would be Kapil Sharma (because he is more famous than other Kapil in your world), and then maybe Kapil Dev, and then maybe some of your friend or some neighborhood boy. Your mind was using those stored images and recalling them using the word ‘Kapil’.

Now think about a number say 1324593123, you don’t even read that number while reading this line, because no image with the number, what is this? Actually, our mind thinks in images, images we create using our imagination, images we had captured in past.

This number could be 1,324,593,132. With little formatting now you can imagine a billionaire businessman having this much money or a country with this much of population probably China.

This is what book reading does. It gives you some string some text and forces you to link that word with something you have already experienced or watched before, which leads to imagination. After reading a few good books you would feel that you can connect two images and merge them to create a new one of your choice.

Imagine This-

You are sitting with Barak Obama in a crowded street of north India somewhere in Delhi and sipping Street Tea on a wooden bench.

This single line is forcing your mind to link at least four to five images that you already have in your mind through some past experiences and merge them to create an exact justification, this is the imagination power you receive once you start reading books.


Without any doubt, if you are a serious reader, the dictionary should be your best friend, and it should always be there to grasp the exact meaning of the reading before imagination.

First, you have to focus on the habit creation of reading, and if you get some pace then start grasping damn single thing you read, never skip what you read without proper understanding. Read a chapter at a time and divide them into paragraphs, now read a complete paragraph and mark the words, which are obstacles for you to get a complete understanding of your paragraph. Now find out the meaning, note them down, and again read that paragraph; you are on the way. Meanwhile, you would have learned a few new words, which probably would come again in the next paragraphs. create vocab cards, read them aloud to memorize, use them in your daily life, write long Facebook posts, tweets to celebrities with new words. Use those new words wherever you can.


Knowledge is the part of the information you memorized or well understood while going through some experiences or events in your life. You want to start something, a startup may be, or want to follow your passion. Reading books will help you to learn other people prospective of starting up, from the people who had already started, some with success some with failure. Their experiences and prospective would become your knowledge after reading. After all, there are 7 billion of us, which means 7 billion ways of doing things, thinking processes about problems in the world. We generalize this using the term perception but how about the part of successful people out of this pool.

One example, Thomas Elva Edison has already tried with 9999 type of filaments, to light an electric Bulb, those were his experiments. But after reading this fact, this has become your knowledge’s part that you don’t have to try with those 9999 type of wires to make an efficient Bulb, and this knowledge would help you to create the more efficient Bulb using 10001st or 10th or maybe 19th filament.

If you want to be an entrepreneur, reading about Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, or Richard Branson will give you their perspective of success that would become your knowledge’s part and would help you to make your own path for success.

Happy Reading, Keep Sharing!

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